Monday, February 09, 2009


Potty Trained

chibiguri has almost entirely mastered the idea of potty-training. He have essentially graduated from the diapers (except at night when he sleeps) and he almost always uses the bathroom for his needs. Accidents are few and far between.

This also means that chibiguri is graduating to the potty-trained class at pre-school. He spends more and more time with them, and he is beginning to be a part of that group, as opposed to the pre-trained group he initially was assigned to. Now the only thing that remains is for chibiguri to master the art of control while asleep- something that may be beyond a three-year-old!

March 11, 2009 UPDATE: He graduated! chibiguri is now in the class of potty-trained pre-schoolers. He is quite proud of this fact and indeed, our only worries now are his increasingly-seldom accidents in the night. He still wears a diaper for sleeping, but I can see the end of that approaching as well.

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chibiguri is taking the first steps toward reading. We have been reading to him from a number of sources incuding the Curious George, the Little Golden Books (Poky Little Puppy, Little Red Caboose, Little Red Hen, etc), the Dr. Seuss books and some others almost every night and he is beginning to be able to understand how we are reading them to him, although he still occasionally wants us to 'read' pictures to him!.

He is able to spell out some words 'red', 'hen', 'cat', hat', and has mostly memorized the text to Dr. Seuss' classic 'Red Fist, Blue Fish'. Although he is not able yet to read entire sentences, he is beginning to put together the building blocks that will make it possible. And he can sing the entire alphabet, though his idea of 'L-M-N-O-P' sounds more like 'M-N-M-N-P'!


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