Tuesday, January 29, 2008


A Girlfriend!

chibiguri has a girlfriend. yesterday, his girlfriend, who is just two, came over to our house to play with chibiguri (who is two and four months). They had lots of fun, which mostly involved chibiguri chasing little kurichan all over the house. I asked amaguri if kurichan enjoyed being chased, to which she responded 'yes!'. So I gather that they enjoy chasing and being chased respectively. This might make things interesting as they both grow older.

However, this was not the extent of their interaction. As they had lunch, they were sitting next to each other, and they shared a baby kiss. Amaguri got some wonderful photographs of this special moment, which i highly enjoyed viewing, as I was not able to witness the actual event, due to my work schedule.

We had previously been aware that they enjoy each other's company, since we attended kurichan's second birthday party a few weeks ago. We were the last ones to leave and both chibiguri and kurichan threw major tantrums at learning that chibiguri had to go home!

All I have to say is that as little kuriguri grows older, chibiguri may be in for a VERY interesting time. It will be interesting to see if they remain as close in future as they are now.


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