Monday, November 05, 2007



This year was the first year that chibiguri was old enough to appreciate Hallowe'en. We would be able to introduce him to an old and wonderful American tradition, take pictures of his cute little costume, and go get bags and bags of candy (that he can't eat due to his food allergies). Or so we thought.

Phase One went according to plan. We took chibiguri shopping some weeks ago and he picked out a cute little costume of a cowboy. The costume is a stuffed horse, into the back legs of which the child inserts his/her own legs. The front two feet and the horse's head are then controlled by the child, while two false legs mask the real lower body. My borther-in-law, a cowboy, was kind enough to donate a small Western hat, which little chibiguri also liked very much. He even permitted us to photograph him in the costume prior to the Big Day.

However, he was much less amenable once Hallowe'en itself arrived. There was an event at a local shopping mall, where the merchants all gave away treats to any children in costume. As the mall in question is a short drive from our residence, we packed chibiguri and his costume into the car, and proceeded to the mall. However, once there, chibiguri displayed a distinct disinclination to getting into his costume. We showed him the other children, but he was apparently scared, and refused to put on his costume. We let him walk a bit, but he did not overcome his aversion and so we regretfully returned home, thinking that perhaps he would be more amenable to wearing costume. No.

As we dispensed candy through the evening, we allowed chibiguri to see the many other children in costume, and though eh was terrified by one particularly hariy werewolf, most of the visitors interested him. We hope that next year, he will have aged enough to aprticipate, but this year, we had to admit defeat in our attempt to introduce him to the wonderful world of trick-or-treating. better luck next year.

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