Saturday, February 04, 2006



I have noticed that chibiguri likes most travel. He loves car rides, stroller rides, and being on any conveyance that moves. Unfortunately, that liking does not appear to extend to airplanes.

I have been in Japan for the past two weeks on a business trip, and I took Amaguri and chibiguri with me. chibiguri did not like the airplane trip over, and I suspect it is due to the fact taht he could not tell that the aplne was actually moving! He spent the flight in a state of frustration, wanting to sleep, but being unable to resolve himself to his new environment, and not sure if he should sleep, or what. I felt very sorry for him, and his antipathy to the conveyance meant that Amaguri and I spent a large part of the flight attending to his needs.

However, once we arrived, he was very happy to sleep on the hour and a half bus ride from Narita Airport to our downtown Tokyo hotel. THis allowed him to somewhat recover himself and he was a happy camper for most of the remainder of our stay.

More coming later....

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